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Make the Most of the Media:
A Communication Skills Program for Executives

In this impatient era of sound-bite communications, it is essential for professional leaders and individuals in the spotlight to develop skills for dealing with the media. Whether in print or through radio and television, opportunities exist today as never before for effective communication; it is only a matter of making the media work to your benefit.

In this full or half-day workshop, participants learn how to maximize external and internal communications opportunities, promote a message rather than simply react, and thereby make the most of the media.


To project ideas, information and image effectively: clearly, concisely and confidently. Participants practice simulated interviews and learn to:

  • Deliver your message
  • Build rapport with the interviewer/listeners
  • Anticipate and address the interviewer's agenda
  • Answer questions clearly and precisely
  • Defuse hostile questioning
  • Maximize use of eye contact, verbal and body language
  • Relax in front of the camera
  • Maintain control of the interview
  • Build credibility
  • Deal with the media proactively
  • Welcome the opportunity!

Videotaping in a comfortable setting, with constructive feedback, is used to reinforce learning.

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US:         225 South 4th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106
              Tel: 215-627-1055   Fax: 215-627-1331